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Autumn day team building, the scenery is good
來源: 小(xiǎo)編 | 發布時間: 2023-09-20 | 261 View次浏覽

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, our companyorganized a walking Beichen Wetland Park team building activities. Thisactivity aims to let everyone close to nature, exercise, enhance team cohesion,and enjoy life.

At 8:30 in the morning, we gathered in the company yard and setoff by bus. Along the way, everyone talked and laughed, full of spirit and warmatmosphere. About half an hour later, we arrived at our destination and startedour journey. Beichen Wetland Park has rich ecological resources and beautifulnatural scenery, and the forest is dense and natural. We followed the walkaround the lake in the wetland park, enjoying the light and color of the lake,feeling the closeness of nature, breathing the unique freshness of nature. Thesound of the birds is melodious, We see more beautiful plants;make peoplelinger. Along the way, everyone enjoyed the comfort, shared the interestingthings in work and life, understood each other, encouraged each other, andreleased the pressure in work. Although the walking length is 8.6 kilometers,but the whole journey does not feel tired, after the whole journey, everyone  still feels that they can walk again"five hundred miles".


After the hike, we came to the pier by the river and dividedinto a dozen groups to take a cruise. Some of these pedal boats are smallyellow duck style, We rowed on the river, watching the shimmering water;Watching the cute ducklings in the river twist their bodies, and suddenly sinkinto the water to hide; Watching groups of seagulls flying freely, feeling theautumn wind brushing our face, feeling the breath of water, the mood is verycomfortable.


At noon, we had a hearty lunch at the barbecue area by theriver. We not only provide roast meat, crisp roasted vegetables, fresh clam tosatisfy their cravings, but also beer and drinks for colleagues to enjoy.Everyone tasted delicious, talk about the experience. We sang together at theend, and the atmosphere was very warm.


In the afternoon, we finished the team building activities andreturned to the company by bus. On the way back, we all shared some feelingsand gains. The activity enhance friendship and relieve stress. We are alllooking forward to the next group building activity and hope that the companycan get better and better.

We thank the company for its support and care, thank colleaguesfor their cooperation and dedication, and thank nature for its gift andcompanionship. Life and work is like training, in the face of opportunities andchallenges, to more constantly hone their physical and mental, only cleargoals, and toward the goal of unremitting progress, will be successful. Webelieve that as long as we work together and put our strength into one place,we can contribute more to the development of the company, make our teamstronger, and make our company more brilliant!